Student Mobility

Students in all study cycles (undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral studies) can move for studies or internships, after having completed the first year of studies, for a total period of 2-12 months in each study cycle (e.g. 12 months during the undergraduate studies, 12 months during their postgraduate studies and 12 months during their PhD).

Study mobility

It concerns one period of study abroad at a partner university. The period of study abroad should be part of the student’s degree program. The period of study abroad may include an internship period. This combination creates synergies between academic and professional experience abroad. Study mobility lasts from 2 to 12 months.

Internship mobility

It concerns a period of internship (for acquiring work experience) abroad in a company, research institution, laboratory, organization or any other related workplace. Internships abroad are supported during studies and for recent graduates. Student mobility for internships may last also from 2 to 12 months.

For further information visit the webpage for Erasmus+ of IHU and the website for Erasmus+ of Serres Campus.