Quality Management


Course Contents

  • Fundamental concepts of Total Quality Management.
  • Historical development of Quality – Quality models.
  • Theoretical approaches of IOP.
  • Quality Planning-Planning.
  • Certification of Quality Assurance Systems.
  • Quality Costs.
  • Quality Control Methods and Tools.
  • Laboratory Control.
  • Quality Improvement Techniques and Tools.
  • Statistical Quality Control.
  • Examples of low cost quality.

Educational Goals

The objectives of this lesson are:

  • To develop the concept and principles of Quality and in particular Quality in the practice of Management.
  • To demonstrate the importance of applying Quality procedures and methods in the operation, competition and sustainability of organizations and in their relations with their Customers.
  • To provide knowledge about the Certification of Quality Assurance Systems according to ISO, HACCP standards, etc.
  • To analyze the philosophy of Quality Management, its basic principles and objectives, its basic tools, its differences with the traditional management approach, its advantages and implementation methods. Emphasis is also placed on the application of Statistical Quality Control techniques aimed at verifying the ability of processes and the final product to meet specific requirements on the one hand, and on the other hand at improving outgoing quality, such as Acceptance Sampling and statistical control of the production process (Statistical Process Control, SPC).
  • To train students in the techniques and methods of prevention, monitoring and quality control.

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Understand the dimension of Quality in business management.
  • Detect non-quality situations in business processes and use tools to record and analyze low-quality processes.
  • Calculate the cost of the management of quality.
  • Apply quality procedures in the organizations’ activities/ Quality Function Deployment -QFD.
  • Carry out statistical quality control applications to control the quality of services (public services, banks, telecommunications organizations).
  • Carry out an economic analysis of quality by exploring concepts such as the cost of good and bad quality, the optimal level of quality, reducing the cost of quality and quality in relation to supplier evaluation.

General Skills

to be filled

Teaching Methods

  • Face to face.

Use of ICT means

  • Online guidance.
  • Slides Projection in the classroom.
  • Use of E-mail and onlne communication systems.
  • Use of e-learning system (moodle).

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload

Students Evaluation

to be filled

Recommended Bibliography


  •  Γ. Πάσχος και Γ. Πλουμίδης «Διοίκηση Ολικής Ποιότητας», Β Έκδοση,  Εκδ. ΕΧΕΔΩΡΟΣ,  2008, Θεσσαλονίκη.
  • Κέφης, Β. «Διοίκηση Ολικής Ποιότητας», εκδόσεις ΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ, 2014, Αθήνα.
  • Δερβιτσιώτης, Κ. «Διοίκηση Ολικής Ποιότητας», Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη, 2η έκδοση, Αθήνα, 2005, ISBN:  978-960-272-311-1.
  • Μ. Ζαβλανός Η ποιότητα στις παρεχόμενες υπηρεσίες και τα προϊόντα, , Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη Α.Ε., Αθήνα 2006, ISBN:  960-351-659-7.


  • Spath, P., Kelly, D. “Applying Quality Managemaent in Healthcare, 4th Edition”, Health Administration Press, 2017, Chicago.
  • Toister, J. “ The Service Culture Handbook”, Toister Performance Solution Inc. , San Diego USA , 2017.
  • Bank. J.  Μάνατζμεντ Ολικής Ποιότητας. Εκδόσεις Γκιούρδας,   Αθήνα, 2000.
  • Κ. Δερβιτσιώτης . «Διοίκηση ολικής ποιότητας, 2η έκδοση», εκδόσεις Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη ΑΕΒΕ, Αθήνα 2005.
  • Γ. Τσότρας. «Βελτίωση ποιότητας», εκδόσεις Ευγενία Μπένου, Αθήνα 2002.
  • Γ. Ταγαράς. «Στατιστικός Έλεγχος Ποιότητας», εκδόσεις Ζήτη Πελαγία και Σια ΟΕ, Θεσσαλονίκη 2001.

Related Research Journals

  • The TQM Journal, Emerald.
  • Journal of Public Money & Management, Taylor and Francis.
  • Journal of Management Inquiry, Sage.
  • International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.