

Course Contents

The content of the course includes, among others: the concept, object and importance of a distribution network, the stages of planning a distribution network, the types of conflicts and cooperation in distribution networks, the organization of sales within a distribution network, the concept and importance of physical distribution, supply chain and retail, the degree of integration of a distribution network, new technologies in the field of distribution and the objectives and strategies of a distribution network, supply chain management and organization, retail business management and organization, multi-channel development and current trends.

Educational Goals

The purpose of the course is for students to understand how the effective organization and management of distribution channels and the supply chain of a company can significantly contribute to improving its competitiveness and increasing customer satisfaction. Teaching includes lectures, case studies and simulation games. At the same time, the course aims to understand the main characteristics, design parameters and decision areas in a supply chain, strategy selection and optimization of the value chain and logistics, efficiency measurement and inventory management, network design and the selection of storage, production and disposal points.

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Understand how the effective organization and management of a company’s distribution channels can significantly contribute to increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Understand how the effective organization and management of a company’s supply chain can significantly contribute to improving its competitiveness.
  • Be equipped with the knowledge that will allow them to choose the optimal distribution and supply strategy.
  • Be able to design an effective distribution channel.
  • Applications and mathematical modeling of problems arising during logistics management.

General Skills

to be filled

Teaching Methods

  • Face to face.

Use of ICT means

  • Online guidance.
  • Slides Projection in the classroom.
  • Use of E-mail and onlne communication systems.
  • Use of e-learning system (moodle).

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload
Fieldwork or Project20
Educational Excursion20
Personal Study51

Students Evaluation

to be filled

Recommended Bibliography


  1. Alan Harrison, Remko van Hoek  Logistics Μάνατζμεντ και Στρατηγική, 2η Έκδοση, εκδόσεις Rosilli.
  2. Chopra Sunil Διοίκηση Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας, 7η Έκδοση, Κωνσταντίνος Ανδρουτσόπουλος, Μιχάλης Μαντάς (Επιστ. επιμέλεια)  εκδόσεις Τζιόλα.
  3. , Μαρινάκης Ι. – Μύγδαλάς Α Σχεδιασμός Και Βελτιστοποίηση Της Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας, εκδόσεις Σοφία.


  1. Shapiro, Modeling the Supply chain, Duxburry Applied Series, 1999.
  2. Σ. Παπαδημητρίου, Ο. Σχοινάς, Εισαγωγή στα logistics, εκδόσεις Σταμούλη, 2002.
  3. Bowersox D., Closs D., Cooper M., Bowersox J «Logistics: Εφοδιαστική και διοίκηση δικτύων διανομής». Εκδόσεις BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD.