Academic Advisor

From the academy year 2022-2023 the Department implements the policy of the Academic Advisor. Each student has an Academic Advisor, who is a permanent faculty member of the Department, for the entire duration of their studies.

The Academic Advisor is responsible for informing and advising students on the following topics:

  1. Facilitation of the first-year students in their transition from secondary to higher education.
  2. Encouraging students to participate in the academic processes, discussion for the studies program and the academic procedures, discussion about participation in workshops and the utilization of the infrastructure of the Department, etc.
  3. Development of learning paths, minimizing exam failure and discussing with the student so that the choice of courses is consistent with his personal interests, skills and abilities.
  4. Discussion of exam results.
  5. Discussion about the selection of the topic of the thesis and support in other similar educational activities.
  6. Discussion about postgraduate studies (at the Department, in Greece and abroad).
  7. Discussion about the professional prospects (opportunities in public, private sector, freelance, job abroad).
  8. Discussion of any topic that creates obstacles to studies.
  9. Information about the services offered by the University.