Management of SMEs


Course Contents

Knowledge of M.M.E., the Importance and Role of M.E. development of SMEs, Modern forms of financing, marketing in small businesses, Entrepreneurship with planning, , the human power in SMEs, Digital transformation in SMEs.

Educational Goals

The objectives of this lesson are:

  • To present the particularities and characteristics of Small and Medium Enterprises.
  • To demonstrate the role and importance of small and medium business activity for the Economy, healthy Competition, Employment.
  • To teach students the effective Management of Small and Medium Enterprises and dealing with their problems.
  • To describe and analyze basic concepts of entrepreneurship and the management of small and medium enterprises.

In this context, students will familiarize themselves with important topics that are necessary for the successful creation and operation of a small and medium-sized business such as, among others, the business plan, leadership, human resource management and Marketing. Upon completion of the course students should be able:

  • To understand the particularities of Small and Medium Enterprises.
  • To be able to adapt the Management Principles to the special needs and characteristics of M.M.E.
  • To apply differentiation strategies from large companies as well as simple management techniques and methods related specifically to organization, planning, financing, Marketing, etc.).
  • To know the alternative sources of financing of SMEs and their support programs.
  • To implement media promotion methods on the internet.
  • To understand the concepts of entrepreneurship as well as creativity and innovation.
  • To develop skills related to effective leadership behavior in the context of the operation of a small and medium-sized enterprise.

General Skills

to be filled

Teaching Methods

  • Face to face.

Use of ICT means

  • Online guidance.
  • Slides Projection in the classroom.
  • Use of E-mail and onlne communication systems.
  • Use of e-learning system (moodle).

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload

Students Evaluation

to be filled

Recommended Bibliography


  1. Γ. Πάσχος – N. Γιοβάνης. «Διοίκηση Μικρομεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων», Β ‘ΕΚΔΟΣΗ, εκδόσεις ΕΧΕΔΩΡΟΣ, Θεσσαλονίκη  2012.
  2. Scarborough Ν., «Επιχειρηματικότητα και Διοίκηση Μικρομεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων» , εκδόσεις ΙΩΝ, 2016, Αθήνα.
  3. Greene, F., Storey, D.  «Επιχειρηματικότητα για μικρές και μεσαίες επιχειρήσεις», εκδόσεις Κριτική, 2011, Αθήν
  4. Π.Κυριαζόπουλος-Κ.Τερζίδης. «Διοίκηση Μικρομεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων στην 3η  Βιομηχανική Επανάσταση»   Εκδόσεις Σύγχρονη Εκδοτική,  Αθήνα 2000.


  1. Ε. Meyer- K. Allen. «Επιχειρηματικότητα και διοίκηση μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων», Εκδόσεις Έλλην, Αθήνα 2004.
  2. Frazelle, « Supply Chain Strategy, Second Edition: Unleash the Power of Business Integration to Maximize Financial, Service, and Operations Performance :», 2017, McGraw- Hill.
  3. Heldman,   « PMP Project Management Professional exam Study Guide», 2016, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  4. Longnecker, Carlos Moore, J.William Petty. « Μάνατζμεντ μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων, 2η Εληνική έκδοση », εκδόσεις Έλλην, Αθήνα 2005.
  5. Φ. Ψιμάρνη-Βούλγαρη- Κ Ζοπουνίδης. «Χρηματοοικονομική στρατηγική μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων στην Ελλάδα», εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος, Αθήνα 2000.