Production and Operations Management


Course Contents

  • Product Planning.
  • Capacity Planning.
  • Work Study.
  • Site Selection.
  • Spatial Planning.
  • Forecasting Methods.
  • Inventory Planning and Control.
  • Production Planning.

Educational Goals

The purpose of the course is to help students understand basic issues related to the design and effective management of production and service delivery systems. Design topics include product and service design, capacity planning, job design and work measurement, location selection, and lay out planning. Effective management topics includes demand forecasting, inventory management and production scheduling.

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Analyze the methodology for product and service design. To describe the factors that influence and determine the capacity of the production system. To follow the methodology of development and standardization of the work method and to determine the time required to perform a task.
  • Use quantitative and qualitative criteria to select the optimal location of a production system.
  • Manage space-planning problems, that is, problems related to the selection of the optimal layout of machines, equipment and human resources in the production area.
  • Use demand-forecasting methods.
  • Analyze problems related to inventory management.
  • Understand the methodology and parameters of production scheduling.

General Skills

to be filled

Teaching Methods

  • Face to face.

Use of ICT means

  • Online guidance.
  • Slides Projection in the classroom.
  • Use of E-mail and onlne communication systems.
  • Use of e-learning system (moodle).

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload
Personal Study65

Students Evaluation

to be filled

Recommended Bibliography

  1. Σ. Γ. Δημητριάδης, Α. Μηχιώτης, ‘Διοίκηση Συστημάτων Παραγωγής, εκδόσεις ΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ, 2007.
  2. Jae K. Shim, Joel G. Siegel, ‘Διοίκηση Εκμετάλλευσης’, Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος, Αθήνα 2002.